At last, a beta release of mBlogger has just gone live to the file release system, and is now available for download. So far it appears to be very stable. Any bugs that may be encountered can be submitted to our Bug Tracking System and I will do my best to remove it for the next release. Happy downloading!
More documentation has been uploaded to the website, and the documentation is almost complete. New nightly releases have also been worked on, and new support for version checking has been added. Better support for HTML and JavaScript has been added, and works quite well: I was able to embed links and videos from YouTube with minimal effort, simply copy and paste the embed link on the YouTube video page into the blog post (or comment!) and it works instantly. A final release is coming soon, I hope to have it ready within the next week or so. Keep watching the News for the latest updates!
The first page of Documentation has been put up on the website, "How to Install mBlogger". Also, a new important nightly release (version 1.0.02) has just been uploaded to the Subversion repository. It fixes major linking issues and missing pages, and repairs some issues with the page system. It is recommended that if you have an older build of mBlogger that you upgrade right away - just place the new installation over the old one and configure mBlogger using 'config.php'. The project is looking much more stable and usable at this point, and I'm hoping to get a code freeze soon for a beta release. Keep watching the News articles for the latest information.
The first nightly release of mBlogger has been uploaded to the Subversion repository. This is still in a pre-alpha state, and requires more work before it will be transferred to an alpha state. From this point on, nightly revisions will be made to the repository unless there have been no code modifications on that particular day. Instructions for obtaining the code from the repository are available on the Downloads page.